बन्ध्य [bandhya] [बन्ध्-यत्]
To be bound or fettered, to be confined or imprisoned; अबन्ध्यं यश्च बध्नाति बद्धं यश्च प्रमुञ्चति
[Y.2.243.] To be joined or bound together.
To be formed, built or constructed.
Detained, under arrest.
(= वन्ध्य) Barren, unproductive, fruitless; useless (said of persons or things); बन्ध्यश्रमास्ते
[R.16.75;] अबन्ध्ययत्नाश्च बभूवुरत्र ते 3.29;
[Ki.1.33.] Not having the menses or menstrual discharge.
(At the end of comp.) Deprived or destitute of. -Comp.
-फल a. a. useless, vain, idle.