बाध् cl. 1. Ā. ([Dhātup. ii, 4] ) बाधते॑, ep. and mc. also P. °ति (pf. बबाधे॑, [RV.] ; aor. बाधिष्ट, ib., बाधिष्टाम्, [TĀr.] ; fut. बाधिष्यते, °ति, [MBh.] &c., बाधिताGr. ; inf. बा॑धे, [RV.] , बाधितुम्, [MBh.] ; ind.p. बाधित्वा See s.v. , बा॑ध्य, [RV.] ), to press, force, drive away, repel, remove, [RV.] &c. &c.; (with व॑रीयस्) to force asunder, [RV. x, 113, 5] ; to harass, pain, trouble, grieve, vex, [RV.] &c. &c.; to resist, oppose, check, stop, prevent, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to set aside (as a rule), annul, invalidate, [Pāṇ.] Sch. ; [Nīlak.] &c.; to suffer annoyance or oppression, [TS.] : Pass. बाध्यते, to be pressed &c.; to be acted upon, suffer, [Pañcat.] : Caus. बाधयति ( aor. अबबाधत्, [Pāṇ. 7-4, 2] ), to oppress, harass, attack, trouble, vex, [R.] ; [Bhaṭṭ.] : Desid. बिबाधिषते, to wish to remove or chase away, [ĀpŚr.] Sch. ; भत्सते, to feel an aversion for, loathe, shrink from ( abl. ), [Br.] ; [ŚrS.] &c. ( cf. [Pāṇ. 3-1, 6] ) Intens. बाबधे (See प्र-√ बाध्); बद्बोधे॑, to press hard, hem in, confine, [RV.] ; pr. p. बद्बधान॑, striking, knocking against ( acc. ), [RV. vii, 69, 1] ; hemmed in, pent up, i, 52, 10 &c. [Cf. √ वध्, also for kindred words.]