(also written बध्; cf. √ बाध्; properly only used in the aor. and Prec. tenses अवधीत् and °धिष्ट; वध्यात् and वधिषीष्ट, [Pāṇ. 2-4, 42 &c.; 6, 62] ; the other tenses being supplied by √ हन्; cf. [Dhātup. xxiv, 2] ; but in Ved. and ep. poetry also pres. वधति; Pot. वधेत्; fut. वधिष्यति, °ते; other Ved. forms are aor. अवधीम्, व॑हीम्Subj. वधिषः; बधीः, [TĀr.] ; Prec. बध्यासम्, °सुः, [AV.] ), to strike, slay, kill, murder, defeat, destroy,
[RV.] &c. &c.:
Pass. वध्यते,
°ति (
aor. अवधि), to be slain or killed,
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] ; &c. :
Caus. वधयति, to kill, slay,
[MBh.] [a.
Gk. ὠθέω.]