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   { bhūman }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
भूमन्  n. n. the earth, world, [RV.] ; [AV.]
   a territory, country, district, [ĀśvGṛ.]
   a being, (pl.) the aggregate of all existing things, [RV.]
भूमन्  m. (भूम॑न्) m. abundance, plenty, wealth, opulence, multitude, majority, [RV.] &c. &c. (ifc. filled with, [Mcar.] )
भूमन्  m. m. the pl. number (भूम्नि in the plural), [L.]
   N. of कृष्ण, [BhP.]
भूमन्  f. f. a collection, assembly, [ŚāṅkhBr.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
भूमन् [bhūman]  m. m. [बहोर्भावः बहु इमनिच् इलोपे भ्वादेशः [Tv.] ]
   A great quantity, abundance, plenty, large number; भूम्ना रसानां गहनाः प्रयोगाः [Māl 1.4;] संभूयेव सुखानि चेतसि परं भूमान- मातन्वते 5.9; [Ch. Up.1.5.4.]
   Virāṭ Puruṣa, the Supreme Being (ब्रह्मन्); यो वै भूमा तत् सुखम् [Ch. Up.7.23.1;] [Bhāg.5.18.3.] -n.
   The earth.
   A territory, district, piece of ground.
   A being, creature.
   Plurality (of number); आपः स्त्रीभूम्नि Ak.; cf. पुंभूमन्.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
भूमन्  mfn.  (-मा-मा-म) Much, many.
   2. Wealth.
  n.  (-म)
   1. The earth. 2. A piece of ground.
   3. A being.
   E. भू for बहु many, इमनिच् aff.
भू बहु इमनिच्

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