Dictionaries | References


   { mōcaka }
Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   That frees, liberates, looses. In comp., as भवमोचक, पापमोचक, ऋणमोचक.


 वि.  मोकळा करणारा ; सोडविणारा ; मुक्त करणारा ; सुटका करणारा ; ( समासांत ) भवमोचक ; पापमोचक ; ऋणमोचक . [ सं . ] मोचणें - ( काव्य ) मोकळा करणें ; सोडणें ; मुक्त करणें ; सुटका करणें . [ सं . मोचन , मुच ] मोचन - न . मोकळें होणें ; मुक्त होणें स्वतंत्र होणें ; सुटणूक ; स्वतंत्रता ; मोकळीक ; ( सामा . ) जाऊं देणें . [ सं . मुच = सोडणें ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मोचक  mfn. mfn. liberating, emancipating, [Pañcar.]
   one who has abandoned all worldly passions and desires, an ascetic, devotee, [L.]
मोचक  m. m. (only [L.] ) Moringa Pterygosperma, [L.]
   Musa Sapientum, [L.]
   Schrebera Swietenioides, [L.]
मोचक  n. n. a kind of shoe, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मोचक [mōcaka] a.  a. [मुच्-ण्वुल्]
   Liberating, freeing.
   Finally emancipated, absolved.
   कः A devotee, an ascetic.
   Emancipation, deliverance.
   A plantain tree.
   The tree called शोभाञ्जन.
-कम्   A kind of shoe.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मोचक  m.  (-कः)
   1. A tree, (Hyperanthera morunga.)
   2. The silk-cotton tree.
   3. The plantain tree.
   4. A plant, commonly Ghantāpāralī. 5. A devotee, one who has divested himself of worldly passion and desire.
   6. A liberator.
   E. मुच् to be let loose, aff. ण्वुल्; or causal form, aff. अच्, and कन् added.
मुच् ण्वुल्; अच् कन्

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