स्त्री. सतलज नदी . शतद्रु नदी उतरून अलीकडे आला . - भाब २२ . [ सं . ]
शत—द्रु f. f. ‘flowing in a
h° (or numerous) branches’, N. of a river now called the Sutlej (it is the most easterly of the five rivers of the Pañjāb, and rises in a lake [prob. मानस Sarovar] on the हिमालय mountains; flowing in a southwesterly direction for 550 miles, it unites with the विपाशा or Beas south-east of Amritsar [see विपाश्], afterwards joining the Chenāb and filling into the इन्दुs below Multan; it is also called शुतु-द्रि, शुतु-द्रु, शित-द्रु &c.), [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [R.] &c.
शतद्रु f. (
-द्रुः) The river SUTLEJ, which rises in the Himālaya mountains in the vicinity, it is supposed, of the RĀVAṆA-HRADA, and run- ning to the S. W. unites in the PUNJĀB with the BEYĀH or VIPĀŚĀ, when it forms the HYPHASIS of the Greeks, and falls in to the INDUS below MOOLTĀN.
N. of the Ganges, [MW.]
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