वप्र mn. mn. a rampart, earthwork, mound, hillock, mud wall, earth or bank raised as a wall or buttress or as the foundation of a building, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. नदी-व्° a high river-bank (also ), any shore or bank, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [Kir.] the slope or declivity of a hill, table-land on a mountain, [Kir.] ; [Śiś.] a ditch, [VarBṛS.] the gate of a fortified city, [W.] the circumference of a sphere or globe, [Gol.] a sown field, any field, [Dharmaś.] dust, [L.] निष्कुट n. = , वनजn.वाजिका (?) and पाटीर, [L.] -क्रिया the butting of an elephant or of a bull (See and -क्रीडा) वप्र m. m. a father, [L.] (cf. 2.वप्त्रि) प्रजा-पति = , [L.] N. of a व्यास, [VP.] of a son of the 14th मनु, [Hariv.] वप्र n. n. lead, [L.] (cf. वर्ध्र).