वि-√ पत् aP. -पतति, to fly or dash or rush through,
[RV. i, 168, 6] ;
to fly apart, fall off, burst asunder, be divided or separated,
[ŚBr.] ;
[ChUp.] ;
to fly along,
[RV. x, 96, 9] :
Caus. -पतयति, to fly in various directions,
[RV. iii, 55, 3] ;
to fall asunder, be opened,
ib., vi, 9, 6;
-पातयति, to cause to fly away, shoot off (arrows),
[AV.] ;
to cause to fly asunder or off, split or strike off (a head),
to strike down, kill,
[MBh.] वि-पत् b in
comp. for