वि-√ स्तृ n. (or स्तॄ) P. Ā. -स्तृणोति, -स्तृणुते; -स्तृणाति, -स्तृणीते ( ep. also -स्तरति; ind.p. -स्तीर्य, or -स्तृत्य), to spread out, scatter, strew (sacrificial grass), [R.] ; to expand, extend (wings), [R.] ; to spread abroad, diffuse, divulge, [BhP.] ; to enlarge or expatiate upon, speak diffusely about ( acc. ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] ( वि-स्तीर्यind. copiously, at large); (with वचनम्) to exchange words, converse with ( instr. ), ib. : Pass. -स्तीर्यते or -स्तर्यते ( fut. -स्तरिष्यते), to be spread abroad or widely diffused, [Mn.] ; [Pañcat.] ; [BhP.] ; to be explained, [Divyâv.] : Caus. -स्तारयति, to spread, extend, diffuse, display, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. ( -स्तार्य, fully, copiously, at length); to discuss in detail, [Kull.] ; to expose (wares for sale), [Daś.]