व्य्-आयाम m. m. dragging different ways, contest, strife, struggle,
[AV.] ;
[MBh.] exertion, manly effort, athletic or gymnastic exercise (
e.g. , ‘playing with heavy clubs’, ‘drawing a bow with a chain’ &c.),
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c.
ifc. ) exercise or practise in
[MBh.] ;
[R.] ;
[Suśr.] (with
Buddhists) right exercise or training,
[MWB. 44] (
cf. [Dharmas. 119] )
वि-याम ‘drawing out, extending’, a
partic. measure of length, fathom (= and
[Śulbas.] a difficult passage, any difficulty (?),