Dictionaries | References


   { śatika }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शतिक  mfn. mfn. containing or amounting to a hundred (-वृद्धिmfn. one whose gain in gambling amounts to 100), [Yājñ. ii. 199]
   the hundredth, [VarBṛS.]
   (accord. to Gr. and, [L.] also) bought with a
   doing or effecting anything with a
   bearing tax or interest per
   changed with or for a
   indicative of a hundred &c.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शतिक [śatika] a.  a. (-की f.),
-शत्य a.  a. [शतेन क्रीतः शतस्य विक तस्यायं वा इति ठन् यत् वा]
   Containing or consisting of hundred; ग्लहे शतिकवृद्धेस्तु सभिकः पञ्चकं शतम् [Y.2.199.] Relating to a hundred.
   Effected with a hundred.
   Bought with a hundred.
   Changed with or form hundred.
   Bearing tax or interest per hundred. Indicative of (the acquisition of) a hundred.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शतिक  mfn.  (-कः-की-कं)
   1. Indicative of a hundred, (as a sign or omen.) 2. Doing or effecting any thing with a hundred.
   3. Bearing tax or interest per hundred.
   4. Brought with a hundred.
   5. Changed with or for a hundred, &c.
   6. Relating or belonging to a hundred.
   E. शत a hundred, ठक्, ठञ् or ठन् aff.; also
शत ठक् ठञ् ठन्
   with यत् aff. शत्य in the same acceptations.

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