शारद mfn. mf(ई॑, or शा॑रदी)n. (fr. शरद्) produced or growing in autumn, autumnal, mature, [AV.] &c. &c. पुरस् (prob. ) that which offers a shelter in autumn (against the overflowings of rivers; applied to or ‘castles’; others ‘rich in years’, ‘old’), [RV. i, 131, 4; 174, 2; vi, 20, 10] सलिलं शारदम् new, recent, [L.] (perhaps, [Bhartṛ. i, 47] in ; cf. also रज्जु-शारद and दृषच्-छारद) modest, shy, diffident, [L.] शारद m. m. a year, [L.] a cloud, [L.] N. of various plants (a yellow kind of Phaseolus Mungo; Mimusops Elengi &c.), [L.] autumnal sickness, [W.] autumnal sunshine, ib. शाबर N. of a teacher of योग (v.l. ), [Cat.] शारद n. n. corn, grain, fruit (as ripening in autumn), [VarBṛS.] the white lotus, [L.]