Dictionaries | References


   { śuṇḍḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शुण्ड  m. m. the juice exuding from the temples of an elephant in rut, [L.]
   an elephant's trunk, [MW.]
शुण्ड  fn. f( and ). see below.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शुण्डः [śuṇḍḥ]   1 The juice issuing from the temples of an elephant in rut.
   An elephant's trunk. -Comp.
-मूषिका   the musk rat (mar. चिचुंदरी).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शुण्ड  m.  (-ण्डः) The exudation from an elephant's temples.
  f.  (-ण्डा)
   1. A tavern.
   2. spirituous liquor.
   3. A liquor-shop.
   4. An animal called the water-elephant, the hippopotamus perhaps.
   5. An elephant's proboscis or trunk.
   6. The stalk of the lotus.
   7. A whore.
   8. A bawd.
   E. शुण् to go, aff. ड, fem. aff. टाप् .
शुण् टाप् .

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