श्रि 1.cl. 1. Ā. P. ([Dhātup. xxi, 31] ) श्रयति, °ते (pf. शिश्रा॑य, शिश्रिये॑; aor. अ॑श्रेत्, आश्रियन्, [RV.] ; अश्रैत्, [AV.] ; अ॑शिश्रियत्, ib. &c. ; अश्रायिष्टGr. [Ved. forms belonging either to the pf. or aor. type are also अशिश्रेत्, °श्रेम, °श्रयुः, शिश्रीत॑]; fut. श्रयिताGr. ; श्रयिष्यति, °ते, [Br.] &c.; inf. श्रयितुम्, [MBh.] ; श्रयितवै॑, [Br.] ; ind.p. श्रयित्वा, [MBh.] &c., -श्रि॑त्य, [Br.] &c.) P. to cause to lean or rest on, lay on or in, fix on, fasten to, direct or turn towards, (esp. ) spread or diffuse (light or radiance or beauty) over (loc. ), [RV.] ; [TS.] ; [Br.] ; ( Ā. or Pass. , rarely P. ) to lean on, rest on, recline against ( acc. ), cling to ( loc. ), be supported or fixed or depend on, abide in or on ( acc. loc. or adv. ), ib.; [ĀśvGṛ.] ; [ChUp.] ; [MBh.] ; ( Ā. P. ) to go to, approach, resort or have recourse to (for help or refuge), tend towards ( acc. ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; ( Ā. ) to go into, enter, fall to the lot or take possession of ( acc. or loc. ), [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] ; ( Ā. P. ) to attain, undergo, get into any state or condition ( acc. ), ib. &c.; to assume (with श्राविका-त्वम्, ‘to assume the form of a श्राविका’, q.v. ), [Kathās.] ; [HPariś.] ; to show, betray (heroism), [R.] ; to honour, worship, [Dhātup.] : Pass. श्रीयते ( aor. अ॑श्रायि: cf. above), [RV.] &c. &c.: Caus. श्रापयति (in उच्-छ्र्°), [VS.] ; श्राययति ( aor. अशिश्रयत्; for अशिश्रियत् See above) Gr. : Desid. शिश्रयिषति, °ते or शिश्रीषति, °तेGr. : Intens. शेश्रीयते, शेश्रयीति, शेश्रेतिib.श्रि [cf. Gk. κλίνω, κλίνη, κλῖμαξ; Lat. clino, clivus; Lith. szlýti, szlḗti, szlaítas; Goth. hlains; hlaiw; Germ. hlinên, linên, lehnen; Angl.Sax. hlinian; Eng. lean.] श्रि 2. in अन्त॑- and बहिः-श्रि (q.v. ) श्रि 3. light, lustre (= 3. श्रीq.v. ) at end of adj. comp.