ŚVETAKI A King. He was mostly occupied in perform- ing Yajñas.
[Mahābhārata] gives the following details about this yajña lover:
(i) Śvetaki performed numerous Yajñas. He was a King who was deeply absorbed in Yajñas.
[M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 222] .
(ii) Once the Yajña he performed was so prolonged that the Ṛtviks were utterly tired and left the Yajña in the middle. After that the King had to bring in other Ṛtviks to complete it.
[M.B. Ādi Parva, Chapter 225, Verse 21] .
(iii) He worshipped Śiva and propitiated him to get a blessing to enable him to perform many Yajñas. Śiva advised him that he should do “āhuti” (homa or sacrifice) in Agni continuously for twelve years. Accepting this advice, the king invited Durvāsas to make arrangements for the Yajña. Appointing Durvāsas as Ṛtvik, Śvetaki continued the Yajña for a hundred years. (For more information see under Khāṇḍavadāha).