संनिपातः [sannipātḥ] 1 Falling down, alighting, descent.
Falling togehter, meeting; confluence; समुद्रपत्न्योर्जल- संनिपाते
[R.13.58.] Collision, contact; संनिपातावधूतैश्च
[Mb.4.13.27] (com. संनिपातोऽङ्गसंघट्टनम्); प्रतिपदमविहस्ताः संनिपाते रिपूणाम्
[Śiva.B.3.47.] Union, conjunction, combination, mixture, miscellaneous collection; तथा तयोः संनिपातः शरयोरभवत्तदा
[Mb.3.39.15;] [Bhāg.11.25.6;] धूमज्योतिःसलिलमरुतां संनिपातः क्व मेयः
[Me.5.] An assemblage, a collection, multitude, number; नानारत्नज्योतिषां संनिपातैः
[Ki.5.36;] एको हि दोषो गुणसंनिपाते निमज्जति
[Ku.1.3.] Arrival.
A combined derangement of the three humours of the body causing fever which is of a dangerous kind.
A kind of musical time or measure.
Sexual intercourse;
[Mb.5.] Battle, war.
(In astr.) A particular conjunction of planets.-Comp.
-ज्वरः fever arising from a vitiated state of the three humours of the body.
-निद्रा swoon, trance.-नुद् m. a species of Nimba tree (Mar. नेपाळनिंब).