Dictionaries | References


   { sāman }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सामन्  n. 1.n. (fr.1.सा = सन्1) acquisition, possession, property, wealth, abundance, [RV.] ; [VS.]
सामन्  m. 2.n. (m. only in [TBr.] ; prob. connected with √ सान्त्व्; accord. to some fr.1.सा; cf.3.सामन्) calming, tranquillizing, (esp.) kind or gentle words for winning an adversary, conciliation, negotiation (one of the 4 उपायs or means of success against an enemy, the other 3 being दान, भेद, and दण्ड, q.v.; ibc. or instr.sg. and pl., ‘by friendly means or in a friendly way, willingly, voluntarily’), [TBr.] ; &c.
सामन्  n. 3.n. (of doubtful derivation; accord. to [Uṇ. iv, 152] fr.सो = सा2, as ‘destroying sin’; in [Nir. vii, 12] apparently connected with सम्मित; by others derived fr.1.सन्, सा, सान्त्व्, and perhaps not to be separated fr. 1. and 2. सामन्) a metrical hymn or song of praise, (esp.) a partic. kind of sacred text or verse called a सामन् (intended to be chanted, and forming, with ऋच्, यजुस्, छन्दस्, one of the 4 kinds of Vedic composition mentioned first in [RV. x, 90, 9] ), [RV.] &c. &c.
   any song or tune (sacred or profane, also the hum of bees), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   the faculty of uttering sounds (?), [TBr.] (Sch.)


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सामन् [sāman]  n. n. [सो-मनिन् [Uṇ.4.152] ]
   Appeasing, calming, comforting, soothing.
   Cenciliation, pacific measures, negotiation, (the first of the four upāyas or expedients to be used by a king against an enemy); सामदण्डौ प्रशंसन्ति नित्यं राष्ट्राभिवृद्धये [Ms.7.19.]
   Conciliatory or mild means; pacific or conciliatory conduct, gentle words; यो दुर्बलो ह्यण्वपि याच्यमानो बलीयसा यच्छति नैव साम्ना [Pt.4.26,48.]
   Mildness, gentleness.
   A metrical hymn or song of praise; सप्तसामोपगीतं त्वाम् [R. 1.21;] ब्रहत्साम तथा साम्नां गायत्री छन्दसामहम् [Bg.1.35.]
   A verse or text of the Sāmaveda; सस्तोभस्वरकालाभ्यास- विकारायां हङ्कारप्रणवप्रस्तावोद्गीथप्रतिहारोपद्रवनिधनवत्यामृचि गीतौ सामशब्दोऽभियुक्तैरुपचर्यते ŚB. on [MS.7.2.1;] स्तोभादिविशिष्टा ऋक् साम ibid.
   The Sāmaveda itself (said to have been produced from the sun; cf. [Ms.1.23] ).
   Voice, sound; स्वरः सामशब्देन लोकऽभिधीयते । सुसामा देवदत्त इति सुस्वरो देवदत्त इति । स्वरो घोषो नाद इति समानार्थाः । स सामशब्देनोच्यते । ŚB. on [MS.7.2.7;] त्रिःसामा हन्यतामेषा दुन्दुभिः शत्रुभीषणा [Mb. 3.2.1.]
   A particular kind of sacred text or verse from the Vedas; प्रस्तौता साम प्रस्तौति; [Bṛi. Up.1.3.28.] -साम्ना ind. Willingly, gladly; तत्र स्म गाथा गायन्ति साम्ना परमवल्गुना [Mb.3.43.28.] -Comp.
-उद्भवः   an elephant.-उपचारः,
-उपायः   mild or conciliatory means, gentle or pacific measures.
-कलम्   ind. in a friendly tone.
-गः   a Brāhmaṇa who chants the Sāmaveda.
-गर्भः, -गायनः  N. N. of Viṣṇu.
-ज, -जात   a.
   produced by the Sāmaveda.
   produced by conciliatory means. (-जः,
-तः)   an elephant; नानाविधाविष्कृतसामजस्वरः [Śi.12.11;] दन्ता दन्तैराहताः सामजानां भङ्गं जग्मुर्न स्वयं सामजाताः 18.33. -प्रधानa. perfectly kind or friendly.
   योनिः Brahman.
   an elephant; सुरद्विपानामिव सामयोनिर्भिन्नोऽष्टधा विप्रससार वंशः [R.16.3.]
-वादः   kind words, conciliatory words; साम- वादाः सकोपस्य तस्य प्रत्युत दीपकाः [Śi.2.55;] [Pt.3.28.]
-विद्   see सामवेदिन्; Udgātā; साम सामविदसङ्गमुज्जगौ [Śi.14.21.] -विधानम् the employment of Sāmans (for religious purposes).
-वेदः   the third of the four Vedas.
-वेदिन्  m. m. a Brāhmaṇa who has studied the Sāmaveda.
-वेदीयः   a Chhāndoga priest.
सामन् [sāman]  n. n. Likeness, similarity; वर्णः स्वरः । मात्रा बलम् । साम संतानः । [T. Up.2.1;] [Bri. Up.1.6.1.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सामन्  n.  (-म)
   1. The Sāma-Veda, the prayers of which composed in metre, are always sung or chanted: the Chhāndogya Upanishad belongs to this Veda.
   2. Conciliation, reconciling, appeasing.
   3. Calming, tranquillizing.
   4. Speaking kindly or tenderly.
   5. Gentle- ness.
   6. Negociation, (one of the four means of success against an enemy.)
  f.  (-नी) A rope, for tying cattle.
   E. षो to destroy, (sin,) Unādi aff. मनिन्, and ङीष् added for the fem. form.
षो मनिन् ङीष्


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 noun  वेदमन्त्रप्रकारः।   Ex. प्राचीनकाले यज्ञेषु साम्नानां गायनं भवति स्म।
मानवकृति (Artifact)वस्तु (Object)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
malസാമ വേദ

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