Dictionaries | References


   { sumada }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
SUMADA   A muni who did penance at Vimala on the Hemakūṭa mountain. When twelve years had passed thus Indra got frightened and deputed Kāmadeva to disturb the muni's penance. Many Deva women also accompanied Kāmadeva. All their attempts failed to have any effect on the muni. Ultimately Devī appeared before him and asked him to choose his boon to which he answered thus: “I do penance to regain my kingdom lost to enemies. Also, I should develop eternal devotion to you and finally attain salvation.” Devī assured him recovery of his lost kingdom which he would rule till the sacrificial horse of Śrī Rāma in connection with the aśvamedha yajña came to his kingdom. Accordingly Sumada conquered his enemies and became king in Ahicchatra. After many years, in connection with Śrī Rāma's aśvamedha, Śatrughna with the yājñic horse reached Ahicchatra. Sumada welcomed Śatrughna and in his company went to Ayodhyā and detailed everything to Śrī Rāma. He then abdicated his throne in favour of his son and attained salvation. See under Ahicchatra. [Padma Purāṇa, Pātāla Khaṇḍa, Chapter 13] .


सुमद n.  एक राजा, जिसने कामाक्षी देवी के कहने पर अपना राज्य शत्रुघ्न को प्रदान किया [पद्म. पा. १२-१३]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सु—मद  mfn. mfn. very drunk or impassioned, [W.]
सु मद


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सुमद  mfn.  (-दः-दा-दं) Very drunk, mad, or empassioned.
   E. सु, मद madness.
सु मद

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