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   { sūnā }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


  पु. घोड्याच्या जिभेखालचा भाग .
  स्त्री. झाडणे , कांडणे ; दळणे , चूल पेटविणे , पाणी भरणे या पांच घरकामांच्या वेळी किडे इ० च्या हिंसा घडतात त्या प्रत्येकी . [ सं . ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सूना  f. af. a daughter, [L.] (for other meanings see , p. 1242, col. 3)
सूना  f. bf. (prob.fr.सिव्, ‘to sew’, and connected with सूचि and सूत्र; cf.सून, col. 1: p. 1240, col. 1">p. 1240, col. 1) a woven wicker-work basket or vessel of any kind, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [GṛŚrS.]
शूना   a place for slaughtering animals, slaughter-house, butchery (wrongly ; cf.सूदना), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   the sale of flesh or meat, [MW.]
पञ्च-सूना   any place or utensil in a house where animals are liable to be accidentally destroyed (see )
पञ्च सूना
   a stick fixed to an elephant's hook, [L.]
   killing, hurting, injuring, [BhP.]
सूनायाम् अपि   imminent death, danger of life (, ‘even in the last extremity’), place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.
शून   the uvula or soft palate (in this and the next sense perhaps connected with ), [L.]
   inflammation of the glands of the neck (commonly calledmumps’), [W.] (accord. to some also, ‘a zone, girdle’; ‘a ray’; ‘a river’).


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सूना [sūnā]   [सुमः नः दीर्घश्च [Uṇ.3.13] ]
   A slaughter-house, butcher's house; भवानपि सूनोपरिचर इव गृध्र आमिषलोलुपो भीरुकश्च [M.2.]
   The sale of meat.
   hurting, killing, destroying; सूनायामप्यननुमतमालम्भनं तदुपलभ्य [Bhāg.5.9.17.]
   The soft palate, uvula.
   A girdle, zone.
   inflammation of the gland of the neck called mumps.
   A ray of light.
   A river.
   A daughter.
   An elephant's trunk.
-नाः   (f. pl.) The five things in a house by which animal life is likely to be destroyed; see under शूना or पञ्चशूना. -Comp.
-अध्यक्षः   a superintendent of the slaughter-house.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 noun  रोगविशेषः यस्मिन् पशूनां कण्ठः श्वयति।   Ex. पशुचिकित्सकः सूनया पीडितं वृषभं चिकित्सति।
रोग (Disease)शारीरिक अवस्था (Physiological State)अवस्था (State)संज्ञा (Noun)
 noun  पशूनां वधस्थलम्।   Ex. सूनायां जातस्य पशूहत्यायाः निषेधः करणीयः।
भौतिक स्थान (Physical place)place)">स्थान (place)निर्जीव (Inanimate)संज्ञा (Noun)
   see : दुरासद

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