स्त्रीधन n. (
-नं) Woman's separate property, which is held to be of six kinds; viz:--1. Adhyagnikam, what is given before the sacrificial fire;
2. Adhyavahanikam, what is presented during the bridal pro- cession;
3. Adhivedanikam, what is given on her husband's marrying another wife;
4. Pritidattam, what is given through affection;
5. Sulkam, her dower allowed or perquisites made during marriage;
6. Anwādheyam, a gift from her own or husband's relatives after marriage. Other varieties are enumera- ted, as the pitri, mātri, suta, bhrātridattam, what is given by her parents, son, or brother; bandhudattam, what is given by her kindred; and some enumerate acceptance generally, and in- heritance, amongst a woman's titles to property.
E. स्त्री, धन wealth.