स्रज् mfn. mfn. (
fr. √
1.सृज्) turning, twisting, winding (
ifc. nom. -स्रट्;
cf. रज्जु-सर्ज),
[Pāṇ. 8-2, 36] Sch. स्रज् f. f. (
nom. स्रक्) a wreath of flowers, garland, chaplet worn on the head, any
wr° or
g° , circle, series, chain (
औदकी स्रक्, ‘a watery
g° ’
i.e. ‘one woven with water-flowers’;
लोक-स्रजि, ‘in the circle of the worlds’),
[RV.] &c. &c.
a kind of tree,
[Kauś.] a kind of metre,
[Piṅg.] N. of a
partic. constellation (when the
केन्द्रs are occupied by three auspicious planets except the moon),