नक्षत्र—कल्प m. m.
N. of a परिशिष्ट of [AV.]
NAKṢATRAKALPA A part of the Atharvaveda. The great hermit Muñjakeśa had divided the Atharvaveda into five parts called Nakṣatrakalpa, Vedakalpa, Saṁhitākalpa, Āṅgirasakalpa and Śānti Kalpa. Nakṣatra Kalpa deals with the order of worshipping the Nakṣatras(stars), Veda Kalpa deals with the activities of Brahmā as a Ṛtvik (family priest), the Saṁhitā Kalpa, the mantras (spells and incantations). In Āṅgirasa Kalpa sorcery and enchantment and in Śāntikalpa, Śāntis (Alleviation or cure) of horse, elephant etc. are given. [Viṣṇu Purāṇa, Aṁśa 3, Chapter 6] .
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