कुप् [kup] I. 4 P. (कुप्यति, चुकोप, अकुपत्, कोपितुम्, कुपित)
To be angry, (generally with the dat. of the person who is the object of anger, but sometimes with the acc. or gen. also); कुप्यन्ति हितवादिने [K.18;] कुपितश्चन्द्रगुप्तश्चाणक्य- स्योपरि [Mu.2;] [M.3.21;] [U.7;] चुकोप तस्मै स भृशम् [R.3.] 56.
To be excited, to gather strength, be virulent; as in दोषाः प्रकुप्यन्ति Suśr. -Caus. (कोपयति-ते)
To provoke, irritate; to excite, agitate.
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