Balakanda - Doha 281 to 290

Sri Ramcharitmanas is a great Hindu scripture and poetic classic written by Goswami Tulsidas.

Doha - 281

"How can there be any duel between a master and his servant? Give up your anger, O great Brahmana; it is only because he saw you in the garb of a warrior that the boy said something to you and he cannot be blamed for it."

Chaupala -

"Seeing you equipped with an axe, arrows and bow, the boy took you for a champion and got excited. Although he knew you by name, he did not recognize you in person and answered you according to his lineage. If you had come as a sage, the child, O holy sir, would have placed the dust of your feet on his head. Forgive the error of one who did not know you; a Brahmana should have plenty of mercy in his heart. What comparison, my lord, can there be between you and me? Tell me if there is any affinity between the head and feet. Mine is a small name consisting of the single word Rama; whereas yours is a long one having the word`Parasu' prefixed to `Rama' Whereas there is only one string to my bow, yours has nine most sacred threads (viz., the Brahmanical cord) I am thus inferior to you in everyway; therefore, O holy sir, forgive my faults."

Doha - 282

Again and again did Rama address His namesake as a sage and as a great Brahmana, till the chief of Bhargus exlaimed in his fury, "You are as perverse as your younger brother!"

Chaupala -

"You know me to be a mere Brahmana; I tell you what kind of a Brahmana I am. Know that the bow is my sacrificial ladle, the arrows my oblation and my wrath, the blazing fire; the brilliant fourfold forces (consisting of the horse, the elephant, the chariots and foot-soldiers) are the fuel; and mighty princes have served as victims, whom I have cut to pieces with this very axe and offered as sacrifice. In this way have performed millions of sacrifices in the shape of armed conflicts, accompanied by the muttering of sacred formulas in the shape of war-cries. My glory is not known to you; that is why you address me in contemptuous terms mistaking me for a mere Brahmana Since you have broken the bow, your arrogance has transgressed all limits; in your self-esteem you stand as if you have conquered the whole world."Said Rama, "O sage, think before you speak; your anger is out of all proportions with my error, which is a trifling one. Worn out as it was, the broke at my mere touch, What reason have I to be proud?"

Doha - 283

"Hear the truth, O lord of the Bhrgus; if as you, I treat you with discrespect because you are a Brahmana who is that gallant warrior in this world to whom I would bow my head out of fear?"

Chaupala -

"A god a demon, a king a body of warriors, whether My equal in strength of more powerful than myself --should any of these challenge me to combat, I would gladly fight with him, no matter if it is Death himself. For he who is born as a Ksatriya, and is yet afraid of fighting, is a veritable wretch and has brought a slur on his lineage. I tell you in my natural way and not by way of a tribute to my race: Raghu's descendants do not tremble to meet in fight even Death Such is the glory of the Brahmana race that he who is afraid of you (Brahmanas) is rid of all fear." When he heard these soft yet profound words of Sri Rama, Parasurama's mind was disillusioned " O Rama take this bow of Rama's lord and draw it, so that my doubts may be cleared" As Parasurama offered his bow it passed into Rama's hands of its own accord, and Parasurama felt amazed at this.

Doha - 284

He then recognized Sri Rama's might and his whole frame was thrilled with joy and his hair stood on end. Joining his palms together he addressed the following words to Sri Rama, his heart bursting with emotion:---

Chaupala -

"Glory to Sri Rama, who delights Raghu's line even as the sun delights a cluster of lotuses! Glory to the Fire that consumes the forest of the demon race! Glory to the Benefactor of gods, Brahmanas and cows! Glory to Him who takes away pride, ignorance, passion and delusion! Glory to Him who is an ocean of humility, amiability, compassion and goodness and a pastmaster in the art of speech. Glory to the Delighter of His servants and to Him who is graceful of every limb and whose form possesses the beauty of millions of Cupids ! How can I with one tongue utter Your praises? Glory to Him who sports in the mind of the great Lord Siva as a swan in the Manasarovara lake ! In my ignorance I have said much that was unseemly: therefore pardon me, both brothers abodes of forgiveness that You are. Glory, glory, all glory to the Chief of Raghu's race !" So saying the lord of Bhrgus withdrew to the forest to practise penance. The wicked kings were all seized amaginary fears and the cowards quietly fled in all directions.

Doha - 285

The gods sounded their kettledrums and rained down flowers on the Lord. All the people of the city rejoiced and their heart's agony, born of ignorance, disappeared.

Chaupala -

There was a tumultuous clash of musical intruments and everyone displayed charming and auspicious objects. Troops of fair-faed, bright-eyed damsels sang melodious songs in chorus their voice resembling the notes of the cuckoo. Janaka's joy was beyond desco[topm. as that of a born beggar who has found a treasure. Sita was rid of Her fears and was as glad as a young of a Cakora bird at the rising of the moon. Janaka made obeisance before Kausika and said" It is due to your grace my lord, that Sri Rama has been able to break the bow. The two brothers have gained me my purpose; pray tell me now, reverend sir, what it behoves me to do." Said the sage,"Listen, wise king: the marriage depended on the bow, and took place directly the bow broke, as is well-known to all, including gods, human beings and Nagas."

Doha - 286

"Nevertheless you now go and perform accrding to the family usage whatever Practices are prescibed in the Veda, after consulting the Brahmanas, the elders of your family, and your own preceptor (Satananda)."

Chaupala -

"Go and despatch to the city of Ayodhya messengers who may invite King Dasaratha and bring hear. " Janaka gladly responded, "Very well, gracious sir," and summoning the messengers depatched them that very moment. He then summoned the leading citizens, and they all came and respectfully bowed their head." Decorate the bazars, streets houses temples and the whole city on all its four sides," was the royal command. They returned in joy, each to his own house. The king then sent for his own servants and instructed them: "Erect pavilions of all kinds with due care. " Bowing to the king's orders they returned glad of heart, and sent for a number of clever artisans skilled in erecting pavilions. Invoking Brahma they sent to work and made pillars of gold in the shape of plantain trees---

Doha - 287

With leaves and fruits of emeralds and blossoms of rubies; seeing this most marvellous specimen of art the Creator himself was lost in bewildderment.

Chaupala -

The bamboo sticks were made of emeralds; they were so straight and knotted that they could not be distinguished from real ones. Creepers known by the name of piper-betle (the leaves of which are chewed in India With arecanut parings) were artistically fashioned in gold and looked so charming with their leaves that they could not be marked as artificial. These so charming with their leaves that they could not be marked as artificial. These creepers were intertwined into so many cords (for holding the bamboo together) with beautiful strings of pearls inserted here and there. After much cutting carving and inlaying they made lotuses of rubies, emeralds, diamonds and turquoises. They also fashioned bees and birds of varied plumage, which buzzed and whistled in the restling breeze. On the pillars they sculptured image of gods, all standing with articles of good omen in their hands. Squares were drawn on the floor in various naturally charming devices and filled in with elephant pearls.

Doha - 288

They made most lovely mango-leaves of graven sapphires with blossoms of gold and bunches of emerald fruits glistening on sliken cords.

Chaupala -

They further made charming and excellent festoons, which looked like so many nooses prepared as it were by Cupid. They also put up many auspicious vases as well as beautiful flags and banners, curtains and chowries. The marvellous pavilion with a number of beautiful lambs consisting of brilliant gems was beyond description. What poet has the wit wherewith to descibe the pavilion which is going to shelter videha's Daughter as the bride? The canopy which is going to hold Sri Rama, the ocean of beauty and perfection, as the bridegroom, must be the glory of all the three worlds; The splendour that belonged to King Janaka's palace was to be seen in every house of that city; to him who beheld Tirahuta (Janaka's capital)during that time all the fourteen spheres appeared of small account. The prosperity that reigned in the house of the humblest citizen was enough to facinate eeven the lord of celestials.

Doha - 289

The magnificence of the city wherein dwelt Goddess Laksmi in the charming disguise of a mortal woman made even Sarada (the goddess of eloquence) and (the thousand tongued) Sesa falter in descibing it.

Chaupala -

Janaka's messengers arrived at Sri Rama's sacred birth-place and rejoiced to behold the charming city. They sent in word at the entrance of the royal palace; hearing of their delivered the letter; and the king in his joy rose to receive it in person. As he read the letter, tears rushed to his eys; the hair on his body stood erect and his heart was full. With Rama and Laksmana in his heart and the valuable letter in his hand, he remained mute and could not utter a word, either good or bad. Then recovering himself, he read out the letter, and the court rejoiced to hear the authentic news. Obtaining the news at the very spot where he had been playing about Bharata came with his playmates and brother (Satrughna), and with utmost modesty and affection asked, " Father, where has the letter come from?

Doha - 290

"Are my two beloved brothers doing well and in what land do they happen to be?" On hearing these words steeped in love the king read the letter over again.

Chaupala -

On hearing the letter the two brothers experienced a thrill of joy; their whole frame was bursting with an excess of emotion. The whole court was particularly delighted to see Bharata's unalloyed love. The king then seated the messengers close by him and spoke to them in sweet and winning tones: "Tell me, friends, are the two boys well? Have you seen them well with your own eyes? The one dark and the other fair of hue. they are equipped with bow and quiver and are of tender age and accompanied by the sage Kausika. Do you recognize them ? If so, tell something about their temperament." Overwhelmed with love the king asked thus again and again. "From the day the sage took them away it is only today that I have obtained authentic news about them. Tell me how king videha was able to know them." At these fond words the messengers smiled.

References : N/A
Last Updated : February 16, 2011

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