Ayodhya-kanda - Doha 231 to 240

Sri Ramcharitmanas is a great Hindu scripture and poetic classic written by Goswami Tulsidas.

Doha - 231
"Bharata would never be intoxicated with soverign power even if he attained to the position of Brahma, Visnu or Siva. What! Can a few drops of Kaji ever split the ocan of milk ?

"Darkness may swallow the midday sun, and sooner may the heavents be absorbed into a cloud or the jar-born sage Agastya (wo is stated to have drunk off the ocean in a single draught) be drowned in the water collected in a cow's footprint: nay the earth may abandon its natural forbearance and Mount Meru be blows away by a puff of wind discharged from the mouth of a mosquito; but Bharata will never be intoxicated by kingly power, O brother. Laksmana, i swear by you as well as by our father that there is no brother so good and innocent as Bharata. God, dear brother creates the world by mixing the milk of goodness with the water of evil; while Bharata is a swan, born in the lake of the solar race, that has sifted goodness from evil Choosing the mil of goodness and discarding the water of evil he has illumined the world by his glory. " Even as the Lord of Raghus extolled Bharata's virutes, amiability and noble disposition He was drowned in an ocean of love.

Doha- 232
On hearing the speech of Sri Rama (the chief of Raghu's line) and seeing His affection for Bharata all the gods were full of applause and said, " Can you name such a gracious lord as Sri Rama?

"Had Bharata not been born into the world, who on this earth would have championed the cause of virtue in its entirety? Who else than you, O Lord fo Raghus, can know Bharata's good qualities, which are uaproachable even to the race of bards?" On hearing the words of the gods, Laksmana Sri Rama and Sita were more delighted than words can tell. There Bharata with all his host bathed in the sacred Mandakini. Then, leaving all the people on the riverside and taking permission of his mothers. preceptor (the sage Vasistha) and the minister (Sumantra) he proceeded to the spot where Sita and Sri and Sri Rama were, taking the Nisada chief and his younger brother (Satrughna) with him. As he thought of what his mother had done, he felt diffident and formed ill-conjectures of every kind in his mind: "God forbid that Sri Rama, Laksman and Sita leave the place on hearing my name and shift to some other place !

Doha - 233
"Taking me to be an accomplice of my mother, nothing that he might do would be too much. But looking to his own self, I am sure, he will forgive my faults and receive me kindly."

"Whether He shuns me as one possessing a black heart or welcomes me as his own servant, my only refuge are Sri Rama's shoes; he is really a noble master while the whole blame lies with his servant(myself). The only beings deserving of fame in the world are the Cataka bird and the fish, who are clever in keeping ever fresh their vow of fidelity and love." Revolving these thoughts in his mind he went on his journey, his whole body rendered powerless by diffidence and affection. The sinful act of his mother (Kaikey) dragged him back as it were; while the strength of his devotion pressed him forward, foremost among the resolute as he was. Whenever he thought of Sri Rama's good nature his feet moved quickly along the way. Bharata's gait at that time resembled the movement of a water-fly carried along a stream. Seeing Bharata's anxety and affection at that moment the Nisada chief forgot all about himself.

Doha - 234
Auspicious omens occurred and the Nisada chief after hearing of and reflecting on them said, " Anxiety will pass away giving place to delight; but in the end there will be sorrow."

Bharata knew every words of his servant (Guha) to be true; and proceeding further he drew to the hermitage. When he saw the forest and the mountain range, he was as glad as a hungry man on getting excellent food. Just as a people tormented by the fear of calamities and afflicted by threefold troubles as well as by the influence of evil shars and by pestilence feel happy on migrating to a well-governed and prosperous country, Bharata too had similar feelings. The natural wealth of the forest grew while Sri Rama lived there, even as the people rejoice on securing a good king. The charming forest was the sacred realm referred to here. Kiscretion was the king (who ruled over it), while Dispassion was his counsellor. Likewise the five Yamas and the five capital, while Peace and Good  Understanding represented the virtuous and lovely queents, In this way the good king was complete in all the limbs of a good state; and depending as he did on Sri Rama's feet his heart was full of zeal.

Doha - 235
Having conqured King Delusion with all his King Discretion held undisputed sway in his capital; and joy, prosperity and plenty reigned everywhere.

The numerous hermits' habitations in the forest region were like so many towns, cities, village and hamlets (comprising the king's dominion). The many birds of various colours and the beasts of different varieties constitured his countless subjects. The hares, elecphants, lions, tigers, boars, buffaloes and bulls presentted a sight which attracted admiration. shedding their natural animostites they roamed about together like an army complete in all its four limbs. rills of water flowed and mad elephants trumpeted; their noise resembled the beating of kettledrums of various kinds. Cadravaks. Cakoras, Cataks, parrots and cuckoos and swans made delightful and merry concert. Swarms of bees hummed and peacocks danced, which showed as it were that there was universal rejoicing in that prosperout kingdom. Creepers, trees and blades of grass alike were blossoming and bore fruit; the entire community thus wore a festive and delightful apearance.

Doha - 236
Beholding the beauty of Sri Rama's hill (Citrakuta) Bharata's heart overflowed with love even as an ascetic who has reaped the fruit of his penance rejoices on the completion of his vow.

In the meantime the Nisada chief ran and climbed up an eminence, and lifting his arm, exclaimed to Bharata's "My lord, look at those huge and noble trees of Pakara (the citron-leaved Indian fig tree) Jambu (the black plum), Mango and Tamala, in the midst of which stands out a beautiful and stately banyan, which is so charming to behold with its dark and dense foliage, red fruit and unbroken shade, which is pleasant throughtout the year, as if God had brough together all that was exquisitely beautiful and given it the shape of a dark and rosy mass. The trees in question, my lord, stand close to the riverside where the Chief of Raghus has erected His hut of leaves. In front of it you will find a variety of charming basil shrubs planted here by Sita and there by Laksmana. And in the shade of the banyan tree is a lovely altar raised by Sita with Her own lotus hands--

Doha -237
Seated whereon the all-wise Sita and Rama listen every day, in the midst of a crowed of hermits. To kinds of stories and legends from the Agamas (Tantras) Vedas and Puranas."

The moment Bhrata heard the words of his friend (Guha) and saw the trees tears rushed to his eyes. The two brothers (Bharata and Satrughna) made obeisance as they proceeded. even Sarada(the goddess of speech) felt diffident in describing their love (for Sri Rama). They were as delighted to behold Sri Rama's footprint as a pauper who had stumbled on a philosopher's stone. Placing the dust on theri head and heart they applied it to their eyes and experienced the same degree of joy as they would on seeing the Chief of Raghus Himself. Perceiving Bharata's condition, which was altogether beyond description, beasts and birds and even inanimate creatures (such as trees etc.) were overwhelmed with emotion. Overpowered by love Bharata's friend (Guha) lost his way; but the gods showed it to him and rained flowers. God-realized saints as well as striving souls were filled with love at his very sight and began to praise his natural affection. if Bharata had not been possible to turn inanimate into animate and animate into inanimate beings.

Doha - 238
For the sake of gods in the form of saints the all-compassionate Hero of Raghu's line extracted this nectar of love by churning the unfathomable depths of Bharata's soul; and it was separation from Him which stood for Mount Mandara (that served as a churning-stick)

The two charming brothers and their friend (Guha could not be seen by Laksmana, screened as they were by a dense thicket. Bharata, however, saw the holy and lovely hermitage of his lord, which was an abode of all fair blessings. Even as he entered it his woe aand affliction disppeared; it seemed as though before the Lord and affectionately answering His queries. He wore matted hair on his head and had a hermit's robe girt about his lions. Besides there was a quiver fastened to his waist and he bore an arrow in his hand and a bow slung across his soulder. On the altar in the midst of an assembly of hermits and holy men shone Sita and the Lord of Raghus, who was clad in the bark of trees and had matted hair on His head and a swarthy complexion; it seemed as though Rati and the god of love had appeared there in hermit's garb. He was revoving His bow and arrow between His lotus hands and would dispel by on smiling glance the anguish of one's soul.

Doha - 239
froth like Devotion and the Supreme Spirit (who is Truth, Consciousness and Bless combined) incarnated as it were in a circle of wisdom.

Bharata as well as his younger brother (Satrughna) and friend (Guha) were so enraptured that their joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, were all forgotten. Uttering the words" Protect me, my lord; save me, my master" he fell on the ground like a log, Laksmana recognized his loving speech and concluded in his mind that it was Bharata making obeisance On the one hand there was the loving affection of an elder brother (Bharata), while, on the other, there was the stronger claim of service to his maste. He was, therefore, neither able to meet his brother (Bharata) nor ignore. him; some good poet alone could describe Laksmana's state of mind. He threw his whole weight on the side of service and remained where he was, even as a kite-flier would pull against a kite that has risen high in the air. Bowing his head to the ground he lovingly said, "Bharata is making obeisance to you, O Lord of Raghus." Overwhelmed with emotion Sri Rama started up as soon as He heard this, His robe flying in one diretion, and His quiver and arrows in another.

Doha - 240
The all-compassionate Lord forcibly lifted Bharata and clasped him to His bosom. Everyone who witnessed the meeting of Bharata and Sri Rama lost all self-consciousness.

How can the affectionate meeting be described?  It was unapproachable to the poet in though, words and deed alike. The two brothers overflowed with supreme affection; their mind, reason, intellect and ego were all lost. Tell me, who can portray such noble love? By what shadow will the poet's mind seek to attain to it? The poet's solid strength lies in the theme to be worked on and the expression he uses; as dance regulates his movements according to the cadence of the accompanying music. Unapproachable is the affection of Bharata and the Chief of Raghu's line, which is beyond the conception of Brahma (the Creator, Hari (the Protector) and Hara (the Destroyer of the universe) How, then, can I describe it, dull-witted as I am? Can an instrument strung with a chord made of a species of grass known by the name of Gadara produce good music? When the gods witnessed the meeting of Bharata and the Chief of Raghu's line they were alarmed and heart began to palpitate. The dull fellows were disillusioned only when their proceptor (the sage Brhaspati) admonished them; and now they rained flowers and gave shouts of applause.

References : N/A
Last Updated : February 22, 2011

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