कबीर का परिचय

हिंदी साहित्य में कबीर का व्यक्तित्व अनुपम है।
Kabir mostly known as "Weaver saint of Varanasi".

कबीर के जन्म के संबंध में अनेक किंवदन्तियाँ हैं। कुछ लोगों के अनुसार वे जगद्गुरु रामानन्द स्वामी के आशीर्वाद से काशी की एक विधवा ब्राह्मणी के गर्भ से उत्पन्न हुए थे। ब्राह्मणी उस नवजात शिशु को लहरतारा ताल के पास फेंक आयी। उसे नीरु नाम का जुलाहा अपने घर ले आया। उसीने उसका पालन-पोषण किया। बाद में यही बालक कबीर कहलाया। कबीर ने अपने को काशी का जुलाहा कहा है। कबीर पंथी के अनुसार उनका निवास स्थान काशी था। बाद में, कबीर एक समय काशी छोड़कर मगहर चले गए थे। कतिपय कबीर पन्थियों की मान्यता है कि कबीर का जन्म काशी में लहरतारा तालाब में उत्पन्न कमल के मनोहर पुष्प के ऊपर बालक के रूप में हुआ। एक प्राचीन ग्रंथ के अनुसार किसी योगी के औरस तथा प्रतीति नामक देवाङ्गना के गर्भ से भक्तराज प्रल्हाद ही संवत १४५५ ज्येष्ठ शुक्ल १५ को कबीर के रूप में प्रकट हुए थे।

कुछ लोगों का कहना है कि वे जन्म से मुसलमान थे और युवावस्था में स्वामी रामानन्द के प्रभाव से उन्हें हिंदु धर्म की बातें मालूम हुईं। एक दिन, एक पहर रात रहते ही कबीर पञ्चगंगा घाट की सीढ़ियों पर गिर पड़े। रामानन्द जी गंगास्नान करने के लिये सीढ़ियाँ उतर रहे थे कि तभी उनका पैर कबीर के शरीर पर पड़ गया। उनके मुख से तत्काल `राम-राम' शब्द निकल पड़ा। उसी राम को कबीर ने दीक्षा-मन्त्र मान लिया और रामानन्द जी को अपना गुरु स्वीकार कर लिया। अन्य जनश्रुतियों से ज्ञात होता है कि कबीर ने हिंदु-मुसलमान का भेद मिटा कर हिंदु-भक्तों तथा मुसलमान फकीरों का सत्संग किया और दोनों की अच्छी बातों को हृदयंगम कर लिया।

Kabir (1440 - 1518), mostly known as "Weaver saint of Varanasi". Kabir was born into the holy Indian city of Varanasi. Kabir was an Indian Mystic who was much admired and loved by both Hindu, Sikh and Muslims. Kabir preached the underlying unity of humanity, he was a strong believer that God could not be constrained by sectarian and religious divides. Kabir said of himself he was. " at once the child of Allah and Ram." Kabir’s philosophy was an amalgamation of Hindu philosophy on reincarnation and a Muslim belief in One God and a rejection of the caste system.

Although a Muslim, Kabir wished to become a disciple of Guru Ramananda who was one of the leading Hindu Saints of the time. Knowing it would be difficult to become a disciple of a Hindu. Kabir lay in waiting by the bathing ghat where guru Ramananda took his daily bath. As Ramananda came down he tripped over Kabir. This caused Ramananda to utter the words "Ram" "Ram". Kabir took this as his initiation, and he followed the path of Dharma.

However Kabir did not take the life of a monk. He maintained an ordinary family life and earnt a living as a weaver, so he called Weaver saint. However although Kabir was illiterate he composed many soulful songs, which expressed his ideas of loving devotion to the Supreme. His innate spirituality attracted many followers from both Hindu and Muslim communities of the population. However his universal philosophy didn’t endear him to the prevailing authorities, Kabir was distrusted by then they felt threatened by his popular appeal and rejection of othodoxy. He was charged with religious heresy and at the age of 60 was banished from the Kingdom. Henceforth Kabir lived the life of a wandering mendicant.

There are many legends surrounding the life and death of Kabir. One legend says Kabir was born following a visit by his mother to a Hindu temple; Kabir was then put up for adoption. Another legend says that after his death there was disagreement amongst his followers about where to put his ashes. His Hindu followers wanted to cremate him. His Muslim followers wanted to bury him. Kabir is said to have appeared and with a bunch of flowers that were to be divided between the different groups.

References : N/A
Last Updated : January 07, 2008

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