आच्छिद् [ācchid] 7
[U.] To cut off or away, tear, cut in pieces, break; आच्छिद्य धमनीमपि Mb.; धनुः, ज्याम् &c.
To snatch away, tear from, take away; जातवेदोमुखान्मायी मिषतामाछिनत्ति नः
[Ku.2.46;] [Māl.5.28,8.9;] [Dk.99.] To disregard, take no notice of (as words); मम वच आच्छिद्य in spite of, notwithstanding, my words.
To cut off, exclude; भर्तारमाच्छेत्स्यसि कामिनीभ्यः
[Mb.] To remove.
To take out, extract, draw or pull off.