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   { ācchid }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आ-च्छिद्   (आ-√ छिद्), -च्छिनत्ति (Impv. 2. sg.-च्छिन्धि, [AV.] ; fut. 1. sg.-च्छेत्स्यामि, [MBh.] );
to tear or cut off, cut or break into pieces, [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] &c.;
to take out of [ŚBr.] ; KātyŚr.; [Daś.] ;
to cut off, exclude or remove from (abl.), [MBh. iii, 14710] Comm. on [Mn. iv, 219] ;
to snatch away, tear from, rob, [MBh. &c.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
आच्छिद् [ācchid]   7 [U.]
   To cut off or away, tear, cut in pieces, break; आच्छिद्य धमनीमपि Mb.; धनुः, ज्याम् &c.
   To snatch away, tear from, take away; जातवेदोमुखान्मायी मिषतामाछिनत्ति नः [Ku.2.46;] [Māl.5.28,8.9;] [Dk.99.]
   To disregard, take no notice of (as words); मम वच आच्छिद्य in spite of, notwithstanding, my words.
   To cut off, exclude; भर्तारमाच्छेत्स्यसि कामिनीभ्यः [Mb.]
   To remove.
   To take out, extract, draw or pull off.

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