भव f. am. (√ भू) coming into existence, birth, production, origin (= भाव, [Vop.] ; ifc. , with f(आ). = arising or produced from, being in, relating to), [Yājñ.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. becoming, turning into (comp. ), [Kāṭh.] सत्-ता being, state of being, existence, life (= , [L.] ), [ŚārṅgP.] (cf. भवा-न्तर) संसार worldly existence, the world (= , [L.] ), [Kāv.] ; [Pur.] (with Buddhists) continuity of becoming (a link in the twelvefold chain of causation), [Dharmas. 42] ([MWB. 102] ) श्रेयस् well-being, prosperity, welfare, excellence (= , [L.] ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. आप्ति obtaining, acquisition (= , प्रा-प्ति), [L.] a god, deity, [W.] N. of अग्नि, [ŚBr.] भवौ of a deity attending on रुद्र and frequently connected with शर्व (later N. of शिव or a form of शिव; or N. of a रुद्र, and as such of the number 11 or of the 11th lunar mansion, [Gol.] ; [Var.] Sch. ; du. = भवi.e. शिव and his wife भवानी, [BhP.] ; cf. [Vām. v, 2, 1] ), [AV.] &c. &c. of the 1st and 4th कल्प, [Cat.] of a साध्य, [VP.] of a king, [MBh.] of a son of प्रतिहर्तृ, [VP.] of विलोमन्, ib. of a rich man, [Buddh.] of an author, [Cat.] भव n. n. the fruit of Dillenia Speciosa, [L.] भव्य = , भविष्य, भावन, [L.] भव b &c. See p.748&c.