सं-क्षेप m. m. throwing together, destruction, [MBh.] आत् compression, comprehension, condensation, abridgment, conciseness, brief exposition, compendium, epitome, essence or quintessence (ibc. , , एण, अम् or °प-तस्, ‘briefly’, ‘concisely’, ‘in short’), [MBh.] ; [R.] &c. एण the whole thrown together, total, aggregate ( and °प-तस्, ‘in the aggregate’), [Mn. vii, 167] ; [Kull. on i, 68 &c.] ; [Cat.] a means of compressing, [Suśr.] (pl. ) straits, poverty, [MBh.] (in dram. ) a brief declaration (of willingness to be at the service of another), [Sāh.] throwing, [W.] taking away, ib.