KAUŚĀMBĪ Four sons, Kuśāmba, Kuśanābha, Asūrtarajas and Vasu were born to Kuśa, the son of Brahmā, of his wife the princess of Vidarbha. According to the order of their father each prince built a city and began to rule over it. Kauśāmbī is the city built by Kuśāmba. Kuśanābha built the city of Mahodayapura; Asūrtarajas, the city of Dharmāraṇya and Vasu the city of Girivraja. [Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa, Bāla Kāṇḍa, Sarga 32] . It is mentioned in Kathāsaritsāgara that the city of Kau- śāmbī stood in the middle of the kingdom of Vatsa and that Udayana born of the family of the Pāṇḍavas had once ruled this country with Kauśāmbī as his capital.
कौशाम्बी [kauśāmbī] [कुशाम्बेन निर्वृत्ता अण्] N. of an ancient city on the Ganges in the lower part of the Doab; निष्कान्तः कौशाया निष्कौशाम्बिः Mbh. on [P.II.2.18.]
कौशाम्बी f. f. (
g. नद्य्-आदि), N. of an ancient city (now represented by the village of Kosam, on the Jumnā, near Allahābād; also called वत्स-पत्तन), [R. i, 34, 6] ; [Divyâv. xxxvi f.] ; [Pāṇ. 4-2, 68] ; [Kāś.] ; [Kathās. iv, 18; ix, 5]
[lxvi, 193] ; [MatsyaP.] ; [Hit.]
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