अनेक [anēka] a. Not one; more than one, many; अनेक- पितृकाणां तु पितृतो भागकल्पना [Y.2.12,] अनेकराजन्यरथाश्वसंकुलम् [Ki.1.16;] several, various; तथात्मैकोऽप्यनेकश्च [Y.3.144.] Separated; divided; oft. in comp.; ˚आकार having many shapes or forms; diverse, multiform; ˚कालम् -वारम् several times, many a time and oft.; ˚भार्य having more wives than one. -Comp. -अक्षर, -अच् a. a. having more than one vowel or syllable; polysyllabic. engaged in several pursuits. not concentrated or fixed on one object. Agitated. perplexed; स त्वनेकाग्रहृदयो द्वास्थं प्रत्यर्च्य तं जनम् [Rām.2.41.34.] [न. ब] not alone so as to exclude all others, uncertain, doubtful, variable; स्यादित्यव्ययमनेकान्तवाचकम् = अनैकान्तिक q. v. (न्तः) unsettled condition, absence of permanence. uncertainty, doubtfulness. an unessential part, as the several anubandhas. ˚वादः scepticism. ˚वादिन् m. a sceptic, a Jaina or an Arhat of the Jainas. having many (more than one) meanings, homonymous; as the words गो, अमृत, अक्ष &c.; ˚त्वम् Capacity to express more senses than one; अनेकार्थत्वमन्याय्यम् ŚB. on [MS.7.3.55.] अनेकार्थस्य शब्दस्य [K.P.2.] having the sense of word अनेक. having many objects or purposes. (-र्थः) multiplicity of objects, topics &c. -अल् a. a. having more than one अल् (letter) [P.I.1.55.] -आश्रय, -आश्रित a. a. (in Vais. Phil.) dwelling or abiding in more than one (such as संयोग, सामान्य); एतेऽनेकाश्रिता गुणाः Bhāsā. P.; dependence upon more than one. -कृत् m. m. 'doing much', N. of Śiva. -गुण a. a. of many kinds, manifold, diverse; विगणय्य कारणमनेकगुणम् [Ki.6.37.] -गुप्तः N. N. of a king; ˚अर्चितपादपङ्कजः [K.3.] -गोत्र a. a. belonging to two families (such as a boy when adopted)i. e. that of his own, and that of his adoptive father. -चर a. a. gregarious. -चित्त a. a. not of one mind, fickle-minded; कच्चिन्नानेकचित्तानां तेषां त्वं वशमागतः [Rām. 6.24.26.] ˚मन्त्रः not following the counsels of one; [H.4.31.] -ज a. a. born more than once. (ः) a bird (गर्भाण्डाभ्यां जातत्वात्). -पः an elephant (so called because he drinks with his trunk and mouth); cf. द्विप; वन्येतरानेकपदर्शनेन [R.5,47.;] [Śi.5.35,12.75.] पद a. multi-numbered; having many component members (as in a Bahuvrīhi compound). e. g. बृहद् अस्य रथन्तरसाम इति बृहद्रथन्तरसामा ŚB. on [MS.1.6.4.] -भार्य a. a. Having more wives than one. -मुख a. a. (खी f.) a. having many faces, many-faced. scattered, dispersed, going in various directions, taking to various ways; (बलानि) जगाहिरेऽनेकमुखानि मार्गान् [Bk.2.54.] -मूर्तिः 'having many forms', N. of Viṣṇu who assumed various forms to deliver the earth from calamities. -युद्धविजयिन्, -विजयिन् a. a. victorious in many battles; [Pt.3.9,11.] -रूप a. of various forms, multiform. of various kinds or sorts. fickle, changeable, of a varying nature; वेश्याङ्गनेव नृपनीतिरनेकरूपा [Pt.1.425.] (-पः) epithet of the Supreme Being. -लोचनः N. N. of Śiva; also of Indra, and of the Supreme Being, he being said to be सहस्राक्षः सहस्रपात् &c. -वचनम् the plural number; dual also.-वर्ण a. involving more than one (unknown) quantity (the unknown quantities x. y. z. &c. being represented in Sanskrit by colours नील, काल &c.); ˚समीकरणम् simultaneous equation; ˚गुणनम्, ˚व्यवकलनम्, ˚हारः multiplication, subtraction or division of unknown quantities.-विध a. various, different. -शफ a. a. cloven-hoofed.-शब्द a. synonymous. -साधारण a. a. common to many, the common property of many persons [Dk.83.]