Dictionaries | References


   { anvādēśḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्व्-आदेश  m. m. mentioning after, a repeated mention, referring to what has been stated previously, re-employment of the same word in a subsequent part of a sentence, the employment again of the same thing to perform a subsequent operation.
अन्व् आदेश


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्वादेशः [anvādēśḥ]   1 Subsequent or repeated mention, referring to what has been previously mentioned; er-employment of the same word in a subsequent part of a sentence, or of the same thing to perform a subsequent operation; आदेशः कथनं अन्वादेशः अनुकथनम् Kāśi. on [P.II.4.32.] (इदम् and एतद् are said to assume the forms एने, एनौ, एनान् &c. in the sense of अन्वादेशः; किंचित्कार्यं विधातुमुपात्तस्य कार्यान्तरं विधातुं पुनरुपादानं अन्वादेशः; e. g. अनेन व्याकरणमधीतं एनं छन्दोऽध्यापय; अनयोः पवित्रं कुलं एनयोः प्रभूतं स्वम् Sk.).
   An additional statement, a supplement; शूद्रश्च न देय इत्यन्वादेशः ŚB. on [MS.6.7.7.]

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