Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   āpasōśī a Selfish, greedy.
   āpasōśī ad R With free and full gratification of heart and will; to the uttermost reach of desire without obstruction or apprehension. Used esp. with verbs signifying Beating, injuring, retaliating upon &c. 2 Freely and fearlessly; heedlessly of danger; in joyous sense of security;--enjoying one's self.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
 ad   Freely and fearlessly; to the uttermost reach of desire without obstruction.


 क्रि.वि.  ( राजा . )
   मन मानेल त्याप्रमाणें ; कोणाचा अडथळा न मानतां ; स्वेच्छेनें ; यथेच्छ ; या शब्दाचा प्रयोग ठोक देणें , इजा करणें , उट्टें काडणें , इ . अर्थाच्या क्रियापदांबरोबर करतात .
   निर्भयपणानें ; नि : शंकपणानें ; परिणामाकडे लक्ष न देतां ; चैनींत . - वि . लोभी ; आपमतलबी . [ आप + सोस ]

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