आवस् [āvas] 1 P. (With acc.)
To inhabit, dwell in; रविमावसते सतां क्रियायै
[V.3.7;] पुरीमिमामावसत् Rām.; sometimes with loc.;
[Ms.7.69;] रम्यं पशव्यमाजीव्यं जाङ्गलं देशमावसेत्
[Y.1.321.] To be occupied or engaged, enter upon; गृहस्थाश्रमम्
[Ms.3.2.] To take part carnally; cohabit. गुरोस्तल्पमावसन्
[Ch. up.5.1.9.] To pass, spend (as night). -Caus.
To allow one to dwell, receive hospitably.
To inhabit, settle in a place.
To halt or encamp (for the night).