इड् (
fr. √
1.इष्; connected with
इ॑राq.v. ; only in
inst. gen. abl. sing. , and
acc. pl. इडा॑ and
इड॑स्; or, according to the spelling of the
इLआ॑ and
इLअ॑स्), a refreshing draught, refreshment, libation offered to the gods,
[RV.] the flow of speech, the stream of sacred words and worship, prayer
[Sāy.] ) the earth, food,
[RV.] ;
[VS.] इडस् (, or
pl. the objects of devotion (a particular form of
अग्नि addressed in the fourth verse of the
आप्री hymn,
[RV. i, 13] ),
[RV. iii, 4, 3] ईड्य (erroneously also referred to in the
ब्राह्मणs &c. as if etymologically connected with the words ,
ईLइत, ‘the praiseworthy’, ‘the praised’, which are used in other passages as the designation of the same object of worship),
[VS.] ;
[AitBr.] ;
[ŚBr.] ;
[ĀśvŚr. &c.]