उदच् [udac] उदञ्च् [udañc] उदञ्च् a. (m. उदङ्, n. उदक्, f. उदीची)
Turned or going upwards.
Upper, higher; ˚कूलः; ˚तीरः &c.
Northern, turned towards the north.
-क् ind.
Northward, to the north of (with abl.); आचम्योदक् परावृत्य
[Ms.3.217.] Subsequently. -Comp.
-अद्रिः the northern mountain, Himālaya.
-अयनम् the sun's progress north of the equator (= उत्तरायणम् q. v.).
-आवृत्तिः f. f. return from the north; उदगावृत्तिपथेन नारदः
[R.8.33.] -दश a. a. having its skirts or border turned upwards or towards the north (as a garment)
-पथः a northern country.-प्रवण a.
inclining or sloping towards the north.
proceeding well (as a sacrifice).
भूमः, भूमिः good or fertile soil.
a land sloping towards the north.
-मुख a. a. facing the north; उत्पतोदङ्मुखः खम्