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   { upagamḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उप-गम  m. m. approach, coming to, approximation, [R.] ; [Megh.] ; [Ragh.] ; [Sarvad.] &c.
उप गम
   entering (into any state or condition), obtaining, acquiring, having, 14 c">[Śak. 14 c]
   approaching respectfully, veneration, [BhP.]
   coming near to, perceiving Comm. on [Daśar.]
   acquaintance, society
   intercourse (as of the sexes), [L.]
   undergoing, suffering, feeling, [L.]
   agreement, promise, [L.]
   a particular number ([Buddh.] )


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उपगमः [upagamḥ] मनम् [manam]   मनम् 1 going to, drawing towards, approach; सीमन्ते च त्वदुपगमजं यत्र नीपं वधूनाम् [Me.67] your advent; व्यावर्ततान्योपगमात्कुमारी [R.6.69,9.5.]
   knowledge, acquaintance.
   attainment, acquiring; विश्वासोपगमादभिन्नगतयः [Ś.1.14.]
   intercourse (as of the sexes).
   society, company; न पुनरधमानामुपगमः [H.1.] 117.
   Undergoing, suffering, feeling.
   acceptance, receipt.
   An agreement, promise.
   A particular high number.
   नम् assumption, accepting, taking up; अप्राप्तस्य हि प्रापणमुपगमनम् । ŚB. on [MS.12.1.21.]
   performing, observing (आचरण); चकार सन्ध्योपगमादि सत्तमः Bhāg,1.7.6.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उपगम  m.  (-मः)
   1. agreement, promise.
   2. approach, approximation. 3. suffering, feeling.
   4. acquaintance, society, intercourse.
   5. get- ting, having, obtaining.
   E. उप near, गम् to go, and अच् aff.

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