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   { upalakṣaṇam }
Script: Devanagari


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उपलक्षणम् [upalakṣaṇam]   1 Looking at, beholding, observing, marking, ascertainment; वेलोपलक्षणार्थम् [Ś.4.]
   A mark, characteristic or distinctive feature; उपलब्धमुपलक्षणम् [V.4,4.33;] उपलक्षणे तृतीया [Sk.]
   Designation; प्राद्युपल- क्षणम् [Sk.]
   Implying something that has not been actually expressed, implication of something in addition or any similar object where only one is mentioned; synecdoche of a part for the whole, of an individual for the species, or of a quality for that in which the quality exists (स्वप्रतिपादकत्वे सति स्वेतरप्रतिपादकत्वं); मन्त्रग्रहणं ब्राह्मणस्याप्युपलक्षणम् [P.II.4.8] Sk.; so अस्ति नास्तेरुपल- क्षणम् &c.

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