उप-स्थान n. n. the act of placing one's self near to, going near, approach, access (उप-स्था॑नं-√ कृ, to give access or scope for, [ŚBr. i] ) coming into the presence of, going near to (in order to worship), worshipping, waiting on, attendance, [ŚBr.] ; KātyŚr.; [ĀśvŚr.] ; [MBh.] &c. standing near, presence, proximity, nearness, [Yājñ.] ; [Hcat.] staying upon or at, abiding, a place of abiding, abode, [Nir.] assembly, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; [BhP.] any object approached with respect, a sanctuary, abode (of a god), [PārGṛ.] a particular part of the संध्या, [MW.]