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Script: Devanagari


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कर्म्मन्  mn.  (-र्म्मा-र्म्म)
   1. Action in general.
   2. The object of an action. 3. The subject of action in grammar, considered of three kinds, प्राप्य or व्याप्य when it is simple, as ग्रामं गच्छति he goes to the village; सूर्य्यं पश्यति he sees the sun; विकार्य्य when change of form is implied, as सुवर्णं कुण्डलं करोति gold forms the ear-ring; and निर्वर्त्य when some new product is evolved, as कटं करोति he makes a mat; पुत्रं प्रसूते she bears a son.
   4. The objective noun.
   5. Action specific, moral duty, the obligation imposed by peculiarities of tribe, occupation, &c.
   6. Natural, active property, as maturity, of heat; support, of earth; dispersion, of wind, &c.
   7. Religious action, as sacrifice, ablution, &c. especially as originating in the hope of future recompense, and as opposed to speculative religion or [Page163-a+ 60] knowledge of spirit.
   8. (In Logic.) Substantial action or motion of five kinds, upwards, downwards, extension, contraction, and going in general.
   9. Action or act involving retribution or reward, virtue, vice, &c.
   10. Fate, the certain consequence of previous acts.
   E. कृञ् to do, मनिन् aff.
कृञ् मनिन्

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