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   { kalana }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कलन  mfn. mf()n. (ifc.) effecting, causing, [Bhartṛ.]
कलन  m. m.Calamus Rotang, [L.]
कलन  n. n. the act of shaking, moving to and fro, [Prasannar.]
   murmuring, sounding, [W.]
कलक   an embryo at the first stage after conception, [L.] (cf.)
कलङ्क   a spot, stain, fault, defect, [L.] (cf..)


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कलन [kalana] a.  a. (at the end of comp.) Causing, effecting.
-नः   A sort of cane.
   नम् A spot, mark.
   A defect, an offence, fault.
   Taking, seizing, grasping; कलनात्सर्वभूतानां स कालः परिकीर्तितः.
   Knowing, understanding, apprehension.
   An embryo at the first stage after conception.
   ना Taking, seizing, grasping; कालकलना Ā. L.29.
   Doing, effecting.
   Understanding, comprehension.
   Putting on, wearing; also letting loose; चूडाकलनाम् [Śi.3.5.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कलन  n.  (-नं)
   1. A spot, a stain.
   2. An offence, fault, defect.
   3. Mur- muring, sounding.
   4. An embryo or the first vestige of the fœtus. m. (-नः) A sort of cane.
  f.  (-ना)
   1. Subjection, submission.
   2. Chat- tering, talking.
   3. Shedding, emitting.
   E. कल् to count, ल्युट् aff.
कल् ल्युट्

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