Dictionaries | References क कापाल { kāpāla } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words कापाल A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 कापाल mfn. mf(ई)n. (fr.कपाल), relating to the skull or cranium, [R. i, 29, 13] ; [VarBṛS.] (= [Pañcat.] )made of skulls, [Prasannar. lxxviii, 15] कापाल m. m. a follower of a particular शैव sect of ascetics (See कापालिक)the plant Cucumis utilissimus, [L.] कापाल m. m. pl. the school of कपालिन्कापाल n. n. a kind of leprosy, [Car. vi, 7.] कापाल The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 कापाल [kāpāla] कापालिक [kāpālika] कापालिक a. [कपाल-अण्-ठक्-वा]Relating to skulls; कङ्कालं मुसलं घोरं कापालमथ किङ्किणीम् [Rām.1.27.12.] like a beggar; of a beggar कापाली नृप पापिष्ठां वृत्ति- मासाद्य जीवितः [Mb.12.8.7.] -लः, -लिकः A follower of a certain Śaiva sect (the left-hand order) characterized by carrying skulls of men in the form of garlands and eating and drinking from them; भस्मा- स्थिशकलकीर्णा कापालमिव व्रतं धत्ते [Pt.1.212.] -लम् A kind of leprosy.ली A wreath of skulls; कापालीमुद्वहन्ती स्रजमिव धवलां कौमुदीम् [Mu.3.2.] A clever woman.The Embelia Ribes (Mar. वावडिंग). कापाल Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 कापाल mfn. (-लः-ली-लं) Cranial, relating to the skull. m. (-लः) A kind of cucumber, (Cucumis utilatissimus.) n. (-लं) A sort of leprosy.E. कपाल, and अण् aff. ROOTS:कपाल अण् Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP