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   { kuṭumba }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : परिवार


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
   See : परिवार, अभिजन


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कुटुम्ब  n. n. a household, members of a household, family, [ChUp.] ; [Āp.] ; [Mn.] &c.
   the care of a family, house-keeping (hence metaphorically care or anxiety about anything; ifc.[BhP. i, 9, 39] )
अर्थ   N. of the second astrological mansion (= ), [VarBṛ.]
कुटुम्ब  mn. mn. name, [L.]
   race, [L.]
   a relation (by descent, or by marriage from the mother's side), [L.]
   offspring, progeny, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कुटुम्ब [kuṭumba] कुटुम्बकम् [kuṭumbakam]   कुटुम्बकम् A household, a family; परमियं ब्राह्मणी अस्मिन् कुटुम्बे Mbh. on [P.I.4.2.] उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् [H.1.68;] [Y.2.45;] [Ms.11.12,22;] 8.166.
   The duties and cares of a family; तदु- पहितकुटुम्बः [R.7.71.]
  N. N. of the second astrological mansion (अर्थ).
   वः, वम् A kinsman, a relation by descent or marriage.
   Offspring, progeny.
   A name.
   A group, collection; [Vikr. 1.92.] -Comp.
-कलहः, -हम्   internal or domestic quarrels. कुटुम्बकलहादीशोऽपि हालाहलं पपौ Subhāṣ.
-भरः   the burden of the family; भर्त्रा तदर्पितकुटुम्बभरेण सार्धम् [Ś.4.2;] ˚चिन्तया [Pt.5.4.]
-भूमिः   the site where a house is built; कुटुम्बभूमिमानं तु वाटक्षेत्रविवर्जितम् [Kāmikāgama 21.3.]
-व्यापृत a.  a. (a father) who is provident and attentive to the good of the family.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कुटुम्ब   r. 10th cl. (कुटुम्बयते) To support a family.
कुटुम्ब  m.  (-म्बः)
   1. A name.
   2. A kinsman, a relation by descent
   3. A connexion, a relation by the mother's side, by marriage, &c.
   4. Offspring, progeny.
   5. Family, race.
   E. कुटुम्ब to support a family, and अच् aff.
कुटुम्ब अच्

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