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   { kutas }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कुतस्  n. ind. (fr.1.कु), from whom? (for the abl. case of 2.क॑), [RV. i, 164, 18] ; [AV. viii, 9, 4]
कुतः कालात्   (, since what time? [VP.] )
   from where? whence? [RV.] &c.
   whereto? in which direction? [BhP. viii, 19, 34]
आ कुतस्   (, up to where? [Pat.] )
   where? [R. vii, 23, 3]
   wherefore? why? from what cause or motive? because, [Lāṭy.] &c. (often in dramas before verses giving the reason of what precedes)
   how? in what manner? [ChUp.] &c.
अ-कुतस्   how much less? much less, [ChUp.] ; [MuṇḍUp.] ; [MBh.] &c. In , which occurs in comp., कुतस् has an indefinite sense (e.g.अ-कुतो-मृत्यु, not fearing death from any quarter, [BhP. iii, 17, 19] ; cf.अ-कुतोभय)
कुतस्   is also indefinite when connected with the particles अपि, चिद्, चन (e.g.कुतो ऽपि, from any quarter, from any cause, [Pañcat.] ; कुतो ऽपि कारणात्, from any cause, [Prab.] ; कुतश्-चिद्, from any one, from anywhere, [RV.] ; [KaṭhUp.] &c. (cf.अकुतश्चिद्-भय); कुतश् चन, (with a negation preceding) from no side, [RV.] ; [TUp.] &c.; to no side, [R. v, 74, 21] ; यतः कुतश्-चिद् from any person soever Comm. on KātyŚr.)


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कुतस् [kutas]   ind.
   From where, whence; कस्य त्वं वा कुत आयातः [Moha M.3.]
   Where, where else, in what (other) place &c.; तार्तीयस्य कुतो गतिः [Bhāg.8.19.34;] ईदृग्विनोदः कुतः [Ś.2.5.]
   Why, wherefore, from what cause or motive; कुत इदमुच्यते [Ś.5.]
   How, in what manner; स्फुरति च बाहुः कुतः फलमिहास्य [Ś.1.16.]
   Much more, much less; न त्वत्समोस्त्यभ्यधिकः कुतोऽन्यः [Bg.11.43,] 4.31; न मे स्तेनो जनपदे न कदर्यो ... न स्वैरी न स्वैरिणी कुतः [Ch. Up.]
   Because, for; [Ś.1.] कुतस् is sometimes used merely for the abl. of किम्; कुतः कालात्समुत्पन्नम् V. P. (= कस्मात् कालात् &c.). कुतः becomes indefinite when connected with the particles चिद्, चन, or अपि. भयं कच्चिन्न चास्मासु कुतश्चिद्वि- द्यते महत् [Rām.2.74.2.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कुतस्   ind. Implying interrogation,
   1. How, what.
   2. How, in what way, how should it be thus, &c. implying denial or concealment of knowledge.
   3. Whence. form what place.
   E. कु for किम् what, and तसिल् aff.
कु किम् तसिल्

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