Dictionaries | References


   { kuntḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
कुन्त  m. m. a spear, lance ([cf.Lat.contus; Gk.κοντός]), [R.] &c.
a small animal, insect, [L.]
a species of grain (Coix barbata), [L.]
passion, [L.]
the god of love, [Gal.]


कुन्तः [kuntḥ]   1 A lance, a barbed dart, spear; कुन्ताः प्रविशन्ति [K. P.2.] (i. e. कुन्तधारिणः पुरुषाः); विरहिनिकृन्तनकुन्तमुखाकृ- तिकेतकिदन्तुरिताशे [Gīt.1.] [Mb.6.96.57.]
A small animal, an insect.
A kind of grain.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
कुन्त  mf.  (-न्तः-न्ती)
1. A bearded dart, a lance.
 m.  (-न्तः)
1. A species of grain, (Coix barbata, Rox.)
2. A small animal, an insect.
3. Pass- ionateness.
 f.  (-न्तिः or -न्ती)
1. A wife af PANDU, and mother of the three elder PANDAVA princes, by as many gods.
2. The gum oliba- num tree, (Boswelia thurifera.)
3. Beellium, a fragrant resin.
4. The wife of a Brahman.
E. कु bad, and अन्त end, destroying ill, ene- mies, &c. or the head, and उन्द to give pain, substituted for fem. affix इन् or ङीष्.
कु अन्त उन्द इन् ङीष्

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