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   { kusī }
Script: Devanagari


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   see : फाल


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कुसी [kusī] सि [si] द [d]   (सि) द a. lazy, slothful.
-दः   (also written as कुशी-षी-द) A monkey-lender, usurer; [Mbh.4.29.]
   दम् any loan or thing lent to be repaid with interest.
   lending money, usury, the profession of usury; कुसीदाद् दारिद्र्यं परकरगतग्रन्थिशमनात् [Pt.1.11;] [Ms. 1.9;8.41;] [Y.1.119.]
   red sandal wood. -Comp.
-पथः   usury, usurious interest; any interest exceeding 5 per cent; कृतानुसारादधिका व्यतिरिक्ता न सिध्यति कुसीदपथमा- हुस्तम् (पञ्चकं शतमर्हति) [Ms.8.152.]
-वृद्धिः  f. f. interest on money; कुसीदवृद्धिर्द्वैगुण्यं नात्येति सकृदाहृता [Ms.8.151.]

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