कृत—क्षण mfn. mfn. one who waits for the right moment, one who waits impatiently for a person or thing (loc. , or acc. with प्रति, or inf. , or in comp. ; e.g. कृत-क्षणा-हं ते गम्नं प्रति, I am waiting impatiently for thy going, [R. ii, 29, 15] ; ते भूमिण् गन्तुं कृत-क्षणाः, they are waiting for the time to proceed to the earth, [MBh. i, 2505] ) having leisure, [Car. viii, 3] ready at hand, not tarrying or lingering, [Car. iii, 8] liable to (in comp. ) Comm. on [ChUp.] ready to, prepared for, intent upon, engrossed by (comp. ), [Jātakam.] कृत—क्षण m. m.N. of a prince, [MBh. ii, 122.]