Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   Indifferent; of no preponderance or inclination; neither incumbent nor improper;--used of matters which may be either done or left undone. 2 Negligently performed; performed or omitted with perfect unconcern. Ex. त्याचे घरीं आचार कृ0 आहे 3 Used as s n A state of mere possibility; a state in which the occurrence and non-occurrence of a matter seem equally probable. Ex. यंदा दुपत्याचें कृ0 दिसतें.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
   Indifferent, neither incumbent nor improper-used of matters which may be either done or left undone. Negligently performed, performed or omitted with perfect unconcern. Ex. त्याचे घरीं आचार कृताकृत आहे.
 s n  A state of mere possibility, a state in which the occurrence and non-occurrence of a matter seem equally probable.


 वि.  १ बेपर्वा ; उदासीन ; आवश्यकहि नव्हे व अयोग्याहि नव्हें असा ( केल्या तरी चालतील , न केल्या तरी चालतील अशा गोष्टींसंबंधी ). ( सं . कृत + अकृत ) २ निष्काळजीपणानें अनास्थेनें केलेलें ; कांहींहि आस्था नसुन केलेलें किंवा मुळींच गाळलेलें ; अर्धवट ; अपूर्ण . ' त्याचें घरीं आचार कृताकृत आहे .' - न . केवळ संभवनीय स्थिति ; घडण्याची किंवा न घडण्याची संभवनीयता ज्यांत सारखी आहे अशी स्थिति . अल्पस्वल्प सत्व , अस्तित्व . ' यंदा दुभत्यांचें कृताकृत दिसतें .' ( कृत + अकृत )


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कृताकृत  mfn. mfn. done and not done, done in part but not completed, [MBh. xii, 6542] (= 9946)
   prepared and not prepared, manufactured and not manufactured, [MBh. xiii, 2794] ; [Yājñ. i, 286]
   optional, [ĀśvŚr.] ; [ĀśvGṛ.]
   indifferent, [MBh. xiii, 7612]
कृताकृत  n. n.sg. and du. (अ॑म्, ए॑) what has been done and what has not been done, [AV. xix, 9, 2] ; [ŚBr. xiv, 7, 2, 27] ; [KaṭhUp. ii, 14]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
कृताकृत  mfn.  (-तः-ता-तं)
   1. Done in part, not completed.
   2. Committed and omitted.
   E. कृत, and अकृत undone.
कृत अकृत

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