क्लिशित [kliśita] क्लिष्ट [kliṣṭa] क्लिष्ट p. p.
Distressed, suffering pain or misery.
Afflicted, tormented.
Inconsistent, contradictory; e. g. माता मे वन्ध्या.
Elaborate, artificial (as a composition.).
Put to shame.
Wearied; hurt, injured.
Being in a bad condition, worn; पीतेनैकेन संवीतां क्लिष्टतोत्तमवाससा
[Rām.5.15.21.] Marred, impaired;
[Ś.5.19;] [Pt.1.11;] [Ś.6.1;] disordered, Ś 7.14.
Dimmed, made faint; हिमक्लिष्ट- प्रकाशानि ज्योतींषीव मुखानि वः
[Ku.2.19.] Injured, hurt;
[Ś.6.19.] Bothersome, tedious; यथा शरीरो बालस्य गुप्ता सन्क्लिष्टकर्मणः
[Rām.7.75.4.] (the commentator Rāma Tilaka gives क्लिष्टकर्मणः = शुभाचारस्य, which seems doubtful).
-ष्टम् a contradictory statement. -Comp. -वर्त्मन्n. a disease of the eyelids.